Wednesday, March 26, 2008

nittien - 91

It's true ... I'm leaviiing. :D Gubbai good people. Enjoy your snow while you can.


Andrew Smith said...

hope you have fun! (and I hope you are having fun dragging this out for a ridiculous amount of time)... we'll have to rename the blog 400 girls in 200 days just for you.
Anyway, I like the drawing, it has a lot of charm to it.

Mette said...

im having a lot of fun dragging, thanks. im just doing it the muffin way, andrew. :) thanks for keeping up with it. Sorry for letting it take yet another week now. But this holiday is BIG PRI! :)

Tooninator said...

I love this girl, but YOU missy, are in trouble. You get 5 weeks paid vacation all your squeezed days or whatever you call it, and you're STILL not finished these ladies...shame on you. Have fun in Egypt.