Wednesday, March 12, 2008

87 - oooh

Andrew - oh no, I'd never abandon my favourite blog. ;P

I'll finish it and more!


Andrew Smith said... I hear a hint of sarcasm in that?
anyway, this is one of your better ones in my opinion. Feels pretty ethereal and freaky with the gray background and slightly off center composition.

Mette said...

I did put a lot of thought into this drawing, so thank you, Andrew.

hint of sarcasm? Nooooooooooooo! I say it's pretty clear, not hinting. :P

No, ok ok. I'm only joking. I do love this blog, and I have loved it. It's just been a bit hard following up on it. I failed terribly at following the deadline, but I learned a lot. :)

Glad you are still visiting. Welcome back and thanks for not smoking.

Tooninator said...

creepy and cracked out Muffin. I like.